Sports badge

Updated 11/14/2021

Members can take the german sport badge ("Deutsches Sportabzeichen") with us.
If you are interested, please contact our examiner Olaf.

Sports Badge 2019
AK 30 GOLD Julian 20th June
AK 30 GOLD Maik B. 20th June
AK 40 SILVER Thomas B. 20th June
AK 45 GOLD Marc 20th June
AK 45 GOLD Olaf 20th June
AK 50 SILVER Stefan S. 20th June
Sports Badge 2018
AK 25 GOLD Maik Bi. May 24th
AK 30 GOLD Julian May 24th
AK 35 GOLD Maik Be. 23. May
AK 45 GOLD Olaf May 24th

Examiner sports badge