Updated 11/14/2021
The Corona pandemic continues to prevent most of the competitions. All DFK championships have also been canceled for 2021. The exception is the international naturist run at the Baltic Sea.
Int. Naturist Run @ Rosenfelde on 07/31Results
International Naturist Run 2021 (Rosenfelder Strand)
5,000m run
Overall rating | 16th place | Johannes | 25'34 |
Overall rating | 20th place | Colin | 27'35 |
Overall rating | 21st place | Olaf | 27'39 |
5,000m walking
Overall rating | 3rd Place | Enrico | 36'02 |
LFK End of Season Swimming 2019
Breast 50m
AK 25w | 1th Place | Ilka | 1,02 |
AK 30m | 1th Place | Maik B. | 0'43 |
AK 30m | 2nd Place | Julian | 0'46 |
AK 35m | 2nd Place | Fabian | 0'51 |
AK 40m | 1th Place | Björn | 0'43 |
AK 40m | 2nd Place | Michael M. | 0'59 |
AK 45m | 2nd Place | Olaf | 0'47 |
AK 45m | 4th Place | Jochen | 0'54 |
AK 50m | 1th Place | Robert | 0'43 |
AK 55m | 2nd Place | Jürgen | 0'57 |
Diving 25m
AK 30m | 1th Place | Maik B. | 0'19 |
AK 45m | 2nd Place | Olaf | 0'22 |
AK 50m | 1th Place | Robert | 0'18 |
AK 50m | 2nd Place | Andreas | 0'25 |
Badewanne 25m
AK 25w | 1th Place | Ilka | 1,07 |
AK 30w | 1th Place | Hanna | 1'34 |
AK 35m | 1th Place | Fabian | 0'47 |
AK 50m | 1th Place | Robert | 0'42 |
AK 50m | 2nd Place | Andreas | 0'54 |
Fins 50m
AK 50m | 1th Place | Robert | 0'30 |
Freestyle 50m
AK 25w | 1th Place | Ilka | 1'25 |
AK 30m | 1th Place | Julian | 0'35 |
AK 45m | 2nd Place | Olaf | 0'37 |
AK 45m | 3rd Place | Jochen | 0'45 |
AK 50m | 1th Place | Robert | 0'40 |
AK 50m | 2nd Place | Andreas | 1'11 |
Back 50m
AK 50m | 2nd Place | Robert | 0'59 |
AK 50m | 3rd Place | Andreas | 1'01 |
4x 25m freestyle relay
Mix | 2nd Place | FSV Adolf Koch e.V. | 1'17 |
6x 50m breast relay
Mix | 2nd Place | FSV Adolf Koch e.V. | 6'21 |
LFK Long Distance Swimming Championship 2019
AK 50 | 1th Place | Robert | 3’30 |
AK 50 | 2nd Place | Maik C. | 4'43 |
AK 50 | 3rd Place | Andreas | 4’53 |
AK 55 | 1th Place | Hervé | 4’13 |
AK 30 | 1th Place | Julian | 6'26 |
AK 30 | 2nd Place | Maik B. | 7'27 |
AK 40 | 1th Place | Stefan P. | 8'15 |
AK 40 | 2nd Place | Michael M. | 9'53 |
AK 50 | 2nd Place | Andreas | 10’53 |
AK 30 | 2nd Place | Julian | 17'24 |
AK 35 | 1th Place | David | 23'15 |
AK 40 | 1th Place | Thomas B. | 18'25 |
AK 45 | 5th Place | Stefan A. | 21'03 |
AK 50 | 1th Place | Robert | 18'38 |
AK 50 | 2nd Place | Andreas | 28'02 |
International Naturist Run 2019 (Rosenfelde)
5000m Running
AK 31-45 | 3rd Place | Julian | 18’29 | 3rd Place in the Overall Ranking |
AK 31-45 | 7th Place | Johannes | 24’39 | 8th Place in the Overall Ranking |
AK 31-45 | 12th Place | Stefan P. | 28’15 | 24th Place in the Overall Ranking |
AK 46-60 | 2nd Place | Olaf | 25’12 | 10th Place in the Overall Ranking |
AK 46-60 | 8th Place | Stefan S. | 28’16 | 25th Place in the Overall Ranking |
10000m Running
AK 15-30 | 1th Place | Maik B. | 47’34 | 8th Place in the Overall Ranking |
AK 46-60 | 1th Place | Marc G. | 37’30 | 2nd Place in the Overall Ranking |
5000m walking
7th Place | Enrico | 38’30 |
3x500m Family Run
3rd Place | Enrico, Klaudia and Joe | 6’26 |
International Naturist Run 2019 (Sonnensee)
5000m Running
AK 30 | 1th Place | Julian | 19’44 | Overal Winner |
AK 40 | 5th Place | Thomas B. | 30’33 | |
AK 45 | 6th Place | Olaf | 26’51 | |
AK 50 | 2nd Place | Stefan S. | 28’26 |
10000m Running
AK 45 | 1th Place | Marc G. | 40’48 | Overal Winner |
LFK Swimming Championship 2019
Breast 50m
AK 30 | 1th Place | Josh | 0’43,5″ |
AK 30 | 2nd Place | Maik Bi. | 0’44,4″ |
AK 30 | 3rd Place | Julian | 0’46,3″ |
AK 35 | 1th Place | M. | 0’50,9″ |
AK 40 | 1th Place | Björn | 0’44,5″ |
AK 40 | 2nd Place | Thomas B. | 0’48,5″ |
AK 40 | 3rd Place | Sven | 0’53,7″ |
AK 45 | 3rd Place | Olaf | 0’50,0″ |
Freestyle 50m
AK 25 | 1th Place | Yinan | 0’41,9″ |
AK 30 | 1th Place | Julian | 0’36,0″ |
AK 30 | 2nd Place | Laurence | 0’39,3″ |
AK 30 | 3rd Place | Maik Bi. | 0’42,4″ |
AK 40 | 2nd Place | Björn | 0’40,8″ |
AK 45 | 2nd Place | Olaf | 0’42,4″ |
Dive 25m
AK 30 | 1th Place | Maik Bi. | 0’19,7″ |
AK 45 | 2nd Place | Olaf | 0’22,0″ |
Back 50m
AK 35 | 1th Place | Maik Be. | 0’47,9″ |
LFK End of Season Swimming 2018
Breast 50m
AK 45 | 2nd Place | Olaf | 0’47,3″ |
Freestyle 50m
AK 45 | 2nd Place | Olaf | 0’40,9″ |
Dive 25m
AK 45 | 2nd Place | Olaf | 0’24,1″ |
DFK Naturist Run 2018 (Rosenfelde)
5000m Running
AK 31-45 | 4th Place | Johannes | 23’53“ |
AK 46-60 | 3rd Place | Olaf | 25’41“ |
International Naturist Run 2018 (Sonnensee)
5000m Running
AK 30 | 1th Place | Julian | 19’16,2″ | Overal Winner |
AK 35 | 1th Place | Johannes | 24’17,5″ | 5th Place in the Overall Ranking |
AK 35 | 2nd Place | Maik Be. | 25’16,9″ | |
AK 45 | 1th Place | Marc | 20’33,8″ | 2nd Place in the Overall Ranking |
AK 45 | 8th Place | Olaf | 28’10,9″ |
10000m Running
AK 25 | 1th Place | Maik Bi. | 49’59,7″ | 4th Place in the Overall Ranking |
5000m Walking
AK 60 | 3rd Place | Durval | 42’02,9″ |
LFK Swimming Championship 2018
Breast 50m
AK 55 | 3rd Place | Jürgen | 0’57,9″ |
International Naturist Run 2017 (Rosenfelde)
5000m Running
AK 25 | 1th Place | Maik Bi. | 23’43“ | 5th Place in the Overall Ranking |
AK 30 | 1th Place | Julian | 19’17“ | Overall Winner and DFK Champion |
AK 35 | 1th Place | Johannes | 24’03″“ | 6th Place in the Overall Ranking |
AK 35 | 3rd Place | Konrad | 25’01“ | 10th Place in the Overall Ranking |
LFK Swimming Championship 2017
Freestyle 50m
AK 25 | 1th Place | Maik | unknown |
AK 30 | 1th Place | Julian | 0’34,6″ |