- 09/21/2024 • Article in The Berliner: “Brave Nude World: How and why Berliners get naked together” – in the cover story “Brave Nude World” in the July issue of “The Berliner”, Ruth Weissmann reports how Berlin’s naked movement is becoming broader and more diverse again. She was with us and interviewed Eric and Julian.
☞ Brave Nude World: How and why Berliners get naked together - November 1st, 2023 • Naked yoga practice as empowerment - Article by Andreas H. in the German yoga forum - "You are totally in the moment and don't think about anything else", DYF 5/2023, pp. 6-9. Can be found here:
☞ Nackt Yoga Üben als Empowerment - November 1st, 2023 • New ARTE documentary with us: The history of nudity –
The ARTE documentary “Hullless – The History of Nudity”, for which a filming team filmed yoga last year, has been available since October 26th. can be viewed on the ARTE media library. We can be found from minute 34:30. Look in! ☞ Hüllenlos – Die Geschichte der Nacktheit (1/2) (AK from min. 34:30) ☞ Hüllenlos – Die Geschichte der Nacktheit (2/2) And a little older, but nice, a short 7-minute summary of nudism in quick succession: ☞ FKK – Karambolage - 09/04/2022 • Radio Fritz podcast with no taboos with Jeff – How do you overcome your own shame to start naturism? How is it with us? What's so good about nudity and nude sports? Jeff answers these and many other questions in the latest episode of the Uninhibited Podcasts by RadioFritz. Listen up!
☞ Tabulos Podcast - 08/05/2022 • Where do you go in Berlin? To the nude sports club, of course. finds too FluxFM. Listen to the post, we are fourth from the top:
☞ Flux FM – Places to B or direkt reinhören - 08/04/2022 • That Furios Campus Magazine the FU Berlin spoke to three of our members for an article about the positive aspects of nudity:
☞ Mit den Klamotten streifst du all den Stress ab - 20.10.2021 • The Zitty title story by Xenia Balzereit from 2019 can now be found in the tip:
☞ FKK in Berlin: Nackt ist frei oder die Renaissance der Freikörperkultur - 07.10.2021 • splitterfasernackt interviews Ilka and Julian at the Saunasplash Festival:
☞ on Spotify, Youtube and wherever there are podcasts - April 1st, 2021 • What to do at Easter? Of course, be naked! Inforadio report with our member Anna from Kreuzberg (2min 40sec):
☞ Osterferien – was uns gut tut: Nacktsein - September 14, 2020 • Antonia Schanze interviews our ambassador Hanna on Y collective:
☞ Naturismus und FKK – Wie ist es nackt in der Öffentlichkeit zu sein? - 12/13/2019 • John Garry in Lonely Planet:
☞ The naked truth about naturism in Germany - 08/18/2019 • María-Paz López in La Vanguardia:
☞ La verdad desnuda del naturismo alemán - 01.07.2019 • Norbert Sander: Nakedei 3 - Ride free: naturism today
☞ Ideen und Initiativen bringen im Berliner Familien-Sport-Verein Adolf Koch e.V. Action pur (S. 14-17) - 06.06.2019 • Xenia Balzereit in Jungle World:
☞ FKK im Wandel der Zeit In deutschen Großstädten entwickelt sich eine neue Nacktkultur - 04/24/2019 • Xenia Balzereit in Zitty Berlin:
☞ Nackt ist frei – Die neuen Inseln der Freikörperkultur in einer immer verkrampfteren Gesellschaft - 09/07/2017 • Mick ter Reehorst in CaféBabel:
☞ FKK-Sport in Berlin: Wir sind nackt und nennen uns du. - 09/07/2017 • Mick ter Reehorst in CaféBabel:
☞ Nudist volleyball: „We’re naked and we call each other du“. - 18.10.2007 • Franz Walter on SpiegelOnline about Adolf Koch:
☞ Links und nackt. - 09/06/1968 • Marie-Luise Scherer in the time about the institute in Hasenheide:
☞ Mit der Hose in der Hand Im Studio für Lebensführung geht es um den nackten Menschen